Sunday, November 15, 2009

Survey: Long hair on women?

What is too long?

What does it depend on? The woman, the hair?

I myself have hair that reaches tailbone length and never found it too long or heard any negative comments.

For reference:

I want to know what you people think about that subject. So please provide me with some good answers and let us know why you think like that. ^^

Btw. I had my hair short in the past ;) wasnt born like

Survey: Long hair on women?

Firstly, you have gorgeous hair; but I'm sure you already know that since when you go out the general public probably goes out of their way to tell you. (Voice of experience.)

My own hair is just a bit longer than that (below my butt), and I'm aiming for knee-length (though I suspect I'll probably keep going and STILL refuse to recognize a cut-off point). It might be there already, if I hadn't decided to have it all chopped off when I was 11. I'm 22 now and it's taken this long for it to get from my shoulders back to where it was.

Personally, I don't consider long hair to be at all "unstylish". UnUSUAL, yes, but that doesn't necessarily indicate a lack of style so much as a unique personal style. I think it can be a pain in the rear sometimes -like if I want to lay on my stomach and have to tie it back first- but, overall, I enjoy it and use it to express my creativity. I'm always assessing things based on their "hairbow" potential: ribbons, scarves, even some plastic christmas tree ornaments that look like jewels set in gold and have a string to allow for easily threading onto a strand of hair. (I know it sounds a little tacky, but I was playing with my friend's hair, which is decidedly shorter, and she loved the effect when I hung a purple one from her braid.)

Survey: Long hair on women?

I have shoulder-length hair. I have tried longer and shorter, but it didn't look right. Go with what you like.

Survey: Long hair on women?

It depends on the face and stature of the person, but generally, I love long hair! The hair in the picture is shiny and in good condition so obviously its not too long. I find that when I grown my hair that long it falls out and gets stringy.

It really depends on what suits your face.

Survey: Long hair on women?

i personally like long hair but not that long, just my opinon, its too long and looks stringy i like long hair that is too the bottom of your bra line it just looks healthier. but if you like it then you wear it and be proud of your beautiful long hair =) xo

Survey: Long hair on women?

I love long hair on females!! Please don't ever cut it!

Survey: Long hair on women?

u've got very good hair %26amp;they shine also.what is that making u so confused.long hair means ur hair must tooch ur buttocks when u tie them up %26amp;in this case ur hair shows ur movement ,whenever u walk ur hair also walks with u which look very attractive.ur hair r not short 鍗?too long but i think ur hair length is fine

Survey: Long hair on women?

I think midlength is more flexible; there's just more things I can do with it quickly. Long long hair is beautiful but just too much work!

Survey: Long hair on women?

Its what you prefer, because you have to maintain it. If shampooing or managing it becomes somewhat difficult then its time to cut it or if it cause your neck to hurt because it can become heavy if it keeps growing. But if you don't mind the up keep and buying products to keep it healthy then let it grow long as Rapunzel's!!!! LOL

Survey: Long hair on women?

I like long my long hair, but I keep it at a mid back length. Hair that is too long just looks unstylish and kinda boring. Thats actually what people have told me. They are always like put some layers in it or something.

Survey: Long hair on women?

it really depends on the person and how well they take care of thier hair. in your instance, your hair is beautiful. it looks like you take wonderful care of it. there is no "too long" as long as the long hair is maintained well. (well, maybe the exception of floor length hair, i find that a bit extreme.)

my opinion is i hate short hair. i don't like spending a whole lot of time fixing my hair, but i baby it when i shower. i've found that having mine 3-4 inches past my shoulders makes nice curls when i want to have them, and doesn't take too long to straighten if i want to. so, again, it depends on the person.

hope this helps your survey!

Survey: Long hair on women?

i have long hair to my butt. it is so hard to do every day.

i maybe straighten it once a fortnight and it takes me nearly 2 hours to do. it's extremely difficult when ive washed it or wet hard to brush and get knots out. im going to cut it for a change maybe shoulder length. i love my long hair but its frustrating.

long hair is nice if you have style to it.

Survey: Long hair on women?

I think that long hair is beautiful as long as it is maintained properly.

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